Monday, February 12, 2007

I think I found the 3rd to my Trinity.....

I had a kind of vision today while having a bath ( I do tend to get a fair number of them whilst meditating in the bathtub).

I have been on a journey as of late to find the 3rd piece to a Trinity of Gods that will help guide me throughout my Spiritual journey. The first and foremost is Danu, the goddess that holds my heart. The second is Angus, irish god of love and joy. For awhile I have been able to feel them keenly in my life; when I close my eyes I see Danu holding my left hand, and Angus holding my right one, and infront of me, I see a third figure, a male, that, up until now, has remained hidden to me, holding each of the other gods hands.

I was told ~A that a trinity would help me, and to hold that close. ~S told me that the third deity would be old, very old, with little known about him/her (though I have felt always it was a male), and that he would be dark, compared to Danu's light--the balance;not evil, just different.

Anyways, I lay in the bathtub with my eyes closed, and infront of me, where the third unknown diety always is, I see blue eyes--deep deep piercing blue. I hear "I am the father of Bran, and I am old, was old when he was born". I then saw a figure in a white robe with a white raven flying past him. I decided to do a little research, and this is what I found:

"Llyr: Welsh god of the sea. Llyr was Welsh equivalent of Lir, old Irish god of the sea. Llyr was also the god of magic and healing.

Llyr married to Penarddun, daughtet of Beli son of Mynogan, who was ruler of Britain. Llyr was the father of Bran, Manawyddan, and a daughter named Branwen. Llyr was the father of tribal deities known as the Children of Darkness, as opposed to the goddess Don and her Children of Light.

The story of Llyr's children can be found in the second and third Branches of the Mabinogi, called Branwen Daughter of Llyr and Manawyddan Son of Llyr."

FYI, Don is the welsh equivalent of Danu*

I do believe I may be onto something with were right ~S, all I needed was a little patience;)

1 comment:

Sam said...

Exciting! I think you definitely are on to something with that.... keep me updated :)