Sunday, February 18, 2007

This morning.....

I just got home from Anna's house about 20 minutes ago after spending the night for her son's 10th birthday--what a lovely way to spend a saturday!

I feel very balanced at the moment; it was like in finding Llyr, that another piece of life's puzzle just kinda fell into place. I had an amazing meditation with him the other night actually.

I'd been getting some anxiety over school and the like, and normally when I do, I try to envelope myself in a ball of light. Well, this time, I was in the ocean, and being attacked by sharks (not that I think they're bad, it's just I was kinda scared of them as a kid), and instead of surrounding myself with light (which just seemed to attract them), I tried enveloping myself in this warm darkness, which seems to be a manifestation of Llyr's energy. It worked amazingly well...the sharks just passed right by me:) I also got a two word message from him as well; "no fear"..........I've begun using this as a sort of mantra to help over the past little bit and it's worked very very well.

I really feel like he is the perfect counterbalance to Danu; he is a Father to her Mother, he is water to her earth (which are my two elements), he has an underworld aspect to her life so neat!

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