Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Thank goodness for friends & their insights.....

As of late, I have to admit that I've been feeling rather disconnected with Danu, and it was bothering me a great deal; not in the sense that I feel I am not meant for Her, but that the connection is different.

As I mentioned earlier ~S is the one that clued me in on the fact of why this was happening; Danu is basically the earth, and as the earth is asleep, so is She, hence the feelings of phoning & always getting the answering machine (spiritually speaking).

Well, I was talking with *A this afternoon, going over some things that have been bothering me emotionally; the fact my grandmother is dying, being a bit lonely as I've had the house to myself for almost a week & am used to having someone else here, and my spiritual "blah-ness". Well, *A put it really nicely when she mentioned that as a Priest of Danu, I am going to have to live with this "down time" for the rest of my life (and that it's not just something becasue I'm dedicated to Danu, as she gets it with her patron as well, just at different times of the year), and I need to understand why & how to work with it, instead of letting it get me down. Perhaps this is the time for me to allow the other two energies in my life to come to the forefront--work with Angus & what he represents, and Llyr & his powers, as they are important facets in my spiritual self--they, along with Danu, help make me, "me".

And it's not a bad thing either, and I'm not being disloyal to Danu by working with these other beings. Perhaps in helping me find them, this is Her way of helping me through her "hibernation", now and in the years to come.

I already feel a difference when it comes to Her energy, and I know once Spring hits, it'll be all good. I guess it was like I was always able to tap into Her whenever I needed to, and there was a Conscious Awareness that responded....right now, that Awareness is slumbering, but the other two are there and ready to help me in whatever I need.

I feel so lucky to have a Goddess like Danu--she really makes me feel amazing; especially when one of Her messages gets through my thick head............

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