Monday, February 12, 2007

Dream last night

I had a dream last night that involved breaking down a dam that had been built by beavers; I think it was important to me to allow the river to flow once more. I'd kinda forgotten about it until I did my meditation, and thought it would be worthy of mentioning.

Quickly checked to see what the beaver stood for, and not suprisingly, it has to do with building, etc. My father was also in the dream and was helping me break it down.

Now, to me, I think it stands for breaking down some unconcious barriers that have been holding back the water & that it has something to do with my father.......any thoughts?

I sense perhaps a Danu connection (with the river symbolism), and that something has been holding it back.....myself perhaps? I'm just not sure yet......


Sean said...

Congrats on the new blog! I'm looking forward to reading what you have to say :)


Kierllyahn said...

HMMM, do you have issues with beavers?:)'
I am also wondering if perhaps it might be a foresight of the energy worker messages. Maybe it is symbolizing breaking free of the walls you have built. Allowing energy, in its purest form to flow freely in your life rather than try to mold or guide it. Be the conduit, let the river flow so to speak:)
Ahh may the rivers of life flow on and on; oh those fun to ride rivers:)