Sunday, February 11, 2007

My Goddess

I thought perhaps I should write a little and describe how I see Danu. There is little truly known about Her, so all I have really learned, I have done so through what She has taught me.

Danu is the Creation Deity in Irish Myth...She is from whom all came, and as a result, carries a myriad of responsiblities. She is a Mother, a Protector, savage and primal, yet gentle to those She sees as Hers. Her domain is that of life; the growing of the trees are Her, the flowing brook is Her, the birds darting through the sky are Her. She is everywhere and within everyone.

She is a Goddess of Magic, nature, rivers, marriage, Wisdom & Inspiration, the Moon, wells, and protection, among others. She is ruler of the Fey, and the Tuatha De Danaan are her children. She is the ultimate Mother figure, and embodies all that it is to be when claiming that role in life. She is love, She is fury, She simply "is".

When I see Her within my minds eye, she is flawless. Her hair is so pale a blonde it is almost silver, her skin the colour of pearl tinged with green. She wears a flowing white dress, and all is pale and ethereal about Her except for her eyes, which go from a piercing green to violet to indigo.

She is totally dignified, and rules as a Queen over her subjects, but with a kindness and light in her eyes that tells you of her ultimate love.

When I found Danu, I found my home, and to all that know me, that is something that I have looked for, for a long long time.

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