Friday, April 13, 2007

The weight of studies has been temporarily lifted off my shoulders for the next two weeks. I had my last exam yesterday, and despite the knots in my back (that I think have become permenant), I feel a huge relief and lessening of tension, though I have decided to write a final for one class the second week I'm back to boost my mark more (as we had the option of just taking our midterm mark, but I didn't do as good as I wanted on it).

My spiritual happiness seems to be very tied to being outside; I keenly felt the urge to go biking yesterday, and it was like as soon as I entered Fish Creek Park, I was enveloped in a womb of comfort. I ended up taking trails I've never gone down before, got lost, startled a pheasant (anyone know what they mean in animal totems?), got totally muddy (legs, arms, face, shirt, shorts---it was great), and was proud of how much I could do after a winter of being pretty sedintary.

Not alot has occured since I last wrote in here, other than a desperate desire to focus on my's really starting to come down to crunch time now...I write my first of three licensing exams this fall, and have one for the next two years to do before I officially become well as some changes in my last year of schooling which will possibly extend it 6 months, but in the long run, my class and I have decided it's probably for the best....... but I'm not worrying about that the only cause for worry is if I run out of reading material:P

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