Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Sunny Days & dreams

Man, what a difference it makes to wake up to sunshine...FINALLY we've had some, and it just so makes a difference for me...as much as I am drawn to the moon, there is something about the sun that just makes me happy!

I feel spring in the air, and the stirrings of Danu....it was like I woke up the other day and could just sense a difference:) It makes me so happy to feel it again.

I had a very strong dream the other night as well. As I was falling asleep, it was like I was suddenly in a different place & time---a camp of some sorts, with a fire in the centre & it was almost full dark; I could see trees around us too. I was human, and everyone around me was an elf, and I was being criticized by this female that I could never be an "avatar of Danu"....well, all of a sudden, I felt like I was being lifted off the earth (and almost saw myself from anothers point of view yet I was still inside my body--it was weird--like seeing flashes of yourself). I remember seeing my eyes open and instead of the norm, it was like my eyes were leaves made of energy. I had all this brilliant green energy swirlling around me too as I floated in mid-air. And then this voice came from me, like 3 or 4 people talking at once, all in harmony--several male & several female. I remember the voice saying "how dare you criticize my choice" and "I am Danu and will choose whom I see fit".......Then I was laying on the ground and this male elf was helping me stand...I woke up after that.....perhaps that was my subconcious way of asking if I was fit for this role, and Danu reaffirming that I was?? I haven't sorted through it all yet.

1 comment:

Kierllyahn said...

Very cool!!!
I totally understand the sunshine thing. While I am generally a rainy day sort of girl, there is something about a beautiful sunny day in all this muck that is breathtaking!!!
I had a dream the other night that inspired the peom I wrote for you on my blog. I was talking to a person who was unsure of where she stood within her beliefs. I was discussing this with her. I pointed out that she is of the full moon, and when she celebrates it, especially outside, she is physically in its shadow. I stressed within the dream how important the idea of being in the shadow of the full moon was for her.
When I woke, I wondered (and still do) who the dream was about or for. But I still get flashes of the phrase "within the shadow of the full moon" going through my head, so it must be important. I don't know if this dream was given to me to help you or not, but I thought that I should tell you about it:)