Monday, March 19, 2007

Dirtiness and sad....

So, a few of you know about a fellow that I had recently fallen for *S.......a totally rugged and handsome cowboy type that swept me off my feet. Well, we ended up sleeping together for the first time last night, and as soon as it was done, he got up, had a shower and then wouldn't hardly speak with me, look at me or touch me (despite us sitting on the couch for over an hour afterwards--he wouldn't even look me in the eye--all I got from him was he wanted me to leave). I was exceedingly hurt & heartbroken, as I don't do that with just anyone; they have to be really special to me.

I have felt dirty and used all day and have wanted to do nothing but curl up and be by horrible it feels to be used and then discarded for sex.


Sagesse said...

I'm so sorry that this happened to you. What an awful experience. I hope he has an explanation for you at some point. I'd feel the same way.

Kierllyahn said...

I am here for you hon!!
He had no right to use you that way. I am really sorry that you had to go through everything to find out that he is this kind of person.
I love you!!!

Sam said...

I'm so sorry *big hugs* I hate that you had to experience that... if you need to get out let me know!