Thursday, March 22, 2007

It's funny, I am usually asleep by now, but for some reason feel the need to write for a bit; it's not that I have anything remotely interesting to share, but regardless of that fact, perhaps I need a good ramble.

Spring is making me happier and happier, despite it being a rather crap week all told. From being screamed at by a crazy driver to pretty much being told I have to ask permission to take a piss when I'm at school, one would think that I'd be crabby, and I have had my share of crabby moments, but there is something about knowing that it is FINALLY spring that makes me happy, as if it's time to start fresh and forget the grayness & depressions of Winter. It feels like Danu is fully concious now and a bit demanding, but I guess that's to be expected after being asleep for several months time. I like the fact I feel a possessivness from Her, and it's like I get the feeling that all my energy should be directed at Her right now, despite having a life outside of spirituality. But it's all good; I'm happy She is around and She seems happy with that fact that She's awake again.

Nothing super intense has happened, but that's okay too; I am so very looking foward to my spring break though. I took the entire time off of work as well, just so I could be intensly lazy if I so choose and live in my pajamas for the entire two weeks. I just have to get through the finals and papers first.....then, that is so exciting to just rest........;)

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