Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Blah Day

I am amazed at how much the weather can affect how a person feels.

Now, I know all about S.A.D., and how ones thiamine doesn't get turned into Vitamin D from the reaction of the solar radiation etc etc, but it still amazes me at how the difference between waking up to sunlight versus waking up to overcast skies could create such a difference for someone (ie Me).

Perhaps this is a sign that I am meant to live in warmer climes where there are 300 days of sunshine a year, or something of that nature..........and now that my pity party is done, I can get onto more "spiritual topics".....

Have you ever been drawn to "the dark side" of spirituality? I'm not talking about sacrificing animals or harming others maliciously, but the darker aspects of what we can do as practitioners of Paganism?

I watched the Skeleton Key today with Kate Hudson. I have to say, all that Hollywood-ized conception of Voodoo and the Hoodoun religion (and I by no means mean to infer that they are dark at all, it was just how it was portrayed in the movie), really piqued my curiosity, and got the old ticker pumping.

It really brought back to me a message that was given to the Hearth by Cerridwen..."one cannot know the light unless one knows the dark as well"......this seems to be a recurring theme for me as of late, with discovering Llyr, etc, and perhaps it is finally starting to sink in that I need to look into this more. But, to be honest, I'm at a loss as to how to do this.

I'm not about to start looking into alternate groups to practice with, as Sunlit is where I am meant to be, but I don't know, I get the feeling that I have to understand this if I am ever truly going to be a Priest of Danu, in anything other than title. And is this me simply justifying my innate curiosity, or is this really what She wants?

Sometimes, I really really wish I knew someone else that had Danu as a patron; it would be really nice to know someone that walks the same path as I do & could help guide me when I needed it (not to say that the other members of my Hearth could not help me, it's just this seems like it needs someone of like-faith, if that makes any sense). I've tried contacting this Inverian Church of Danu, but *suprise suprise* got no response from them......and I haven't found a single other group that sees Danu as I do...........

*laughs* No one said my path would be easy, or not filled with little ruts that can make a person stumble, but I think it would be nice to have someone that at least was able to lend me a map from time to time............


Sam said...

Perhaps it's just a good reminder to take your path one step at a time and not try to force the road ahead?

Sorry for not calling you back today... I seem to have come down with the flu and feel like CRAP!

Sagesse said...

Hey there, I have grown very comfortable with my "dark" side over the years and know when I am feeling "dark" vs depressed or angry. I think exploring the darker side of your spirituality or maybe a deity in your pantheon would be beneficial. Is there any gods of the underworld or death that you are interested in learning more about?

Danu's Priest said...

There is one that has made himself apparent to me--Llyr. He is quite the opposite of Danu in a few ways, yet I feel he is totally connected to me in the same way She is....I think through Him I will learn alot of the "darker" things.....